Energy Efficient Lighting

What are they?

  • Light sources that utilize energy more efficiently, so they can output the same amount of light with less energy usage
  • Types of Energy Efficient Lighting
    • Halogen Incandescent Bulbs
    • Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs)
    • Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs)

How do they work

 Halogen Incandescent

  • Holds halogen gas around the filament, which reduces the amount of wear and tear the bulb experiences
  • Least efficient type of lighting on the market
  • Although they have lower up front cost, more expensive over the life of the bulb
  • Barely meet government energy efficiency standards

 Compact Fluorescent Lamps

  • An electric current is passed through argon and mercury vapour
  • A curled up compact version of the long tube fluorescent lamps
  • Pay for themselves in energy savings in 9 months
  • Lasts ten times longer than traditional incandescent bulbs
  • Uses a third of the energy the halogen incandescent bulb uses


  • Uses semiconductors to convert electricity into light
  • Most energy efficient home lighting
  • Use less than a quarter of the energy of a traditional incandescent bulb and last 15-25x longer
  • Use a little bit more than a quarter of the energy of a halogen incandescent and last 8-25x longer
  • While slightly more expensive, they save lots of money long-term

§  Prices are expected to come down over the coming years as the technology continues to develop


• Less energy used (cheaper)
• Less heat given off compared to incandescent bulbs (lower AC costs)
• CFLs and LEDs can be used in outdoor conditions


·   CFLs contain a small amount of mercury and need to be recycled properly

Other Information

• Average household uses 5% of total energy for lighting, easy place to start saving money in household energy efficiency