Storm Water Management: Be part of the solution!

Here at the Corner Garden we have implemented our very own storm water management system on the property! It includes eco-raster permeable paving system, rain barrels and soak away pits! Storm water management systems are beneficial for the environment (and your check book!) in many ways including:

  1. Keeps chemicals out of the river- when rain water runs off into the street it picks up chemicals and other pollutants which in turn go into the river causing dangers to wildlife
  2. Mud control/ prevents soil erosion
  3. Maintains ground water quality- by filtering out pollutants
  4. Water can be collected to water your garden saving you money! (visit our rain barrels page for more information)

Below are some pictures of solutions we have implemented around the property.


Be part of the solution! Help conserve water with any form of storm water management on your property!